E-SPEAIT Book Review

The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age is a book released in 2001, and written by Pekka Himanen, with prologue written by Linus Torvalds and the epilogue written by Manuel Castells. Pekka Himanen is a philosopher. Manuel Castells is an internationally well-known sociologist. Linus Torvalds is the creator of the Linux kernel. Before I started reading the book I myself thought it was going to be delving into famous cases of hackers and the ways performed their activities throughout the years and maybe a delve into the reasoning behind them. I was quite wrong in my in my initial assumption, and the book provides a different view into hacker and their activities with a broader view. I believe what I got from the book was that hackers can be represented as those people who, regardless of what area of work they are involved, do what they are doing for self-satisfaction and therefor the inherent rewards of furthering their interests and gaining peer recognition fro...